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This is the website for learners at Bradford Academy studying GCE History. It should be your first port of call for help, support, study materials and guidance on your 'A' level History course.
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Please return as this site will expand and develop over the coming months.
Unit 1: From Austrian Corporal to German Chancellor - Hitler 1918 to 1933.
In this introductory unit we will examine how Hitler rose from obscurity in 1918 to become the sole leader of Germany in 1933. We will explore factors that influenced his world vision and his plans for a new Germany, and explain what Hitler's appeal was to millions of ordinary Germans.
Unit 2: The Nazi Consolidation of Power - 1933 to 1934.
In unit 2 we will explore and evaluate the methods Hitler and the Nazis used in order to consolidate their power. This will include
exploring how Hitler came to power in January 1933
Nazi ideology in 1933, the promotion of positive and negative stereotypes.
the use of terror, compromise, legal...
Unit 3: Nazi Propaganda and Mass Indoctrination.
In unit 3 we will examine how the Nazis used propaganda and mass indoctrination arguably more successfully than any other political organisation in History.
Topics will include:
the use of public spectacle - The Nuremburg Rallies and the 1934 Triumph of Will.
the use of the media, culture and...
Unit 4: Nazi Organisation and Coordination of Society
In this unit we will examine how the Fuhrer State was organised in order to create the Nazi Dictatorship. We will explore how the Nazis targeted specific groups and brainwashed, intimidated, manipulated, or eliminated them in order to create their "Volksgemeinschaft".
Unit 5: Impact of War on the German People
In the final unit we will investigate how war impacted on the German People and their support for the Nazis and Hitler. This will take place in two parts: the period of unlimited conquest and victory 1939 - 41 and the period of defeat and destruction 1942 - 45.
Topics will include:
1939 - 41: the...
In this area you will find information, help and useful links for your preparation and revision.
https://www.historylearningsite.co.uk/Nazi%20Germany.htm - broad area of useful material on the Nazi State
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL38371CA42C4F877C - a You Tube playlist about...
Revision Quizzes
https://getkahoot.com/ - this will take you to the site so you can set up and create your own quizzes.
https://create.kahoot.it/?_ga=1.13077047.1484176805.1427293794#quiz/41d31b7e-29d2-462a-bae8-4fecaf6bbca3 - Thew consolidation of power and the appearance of moderation.
Connect 4
https://www.classtools.net/connect/201504_Z9kFfV - Consolidation of Power
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We can try them out in class.
Tip - use an exam question to provide the focus for the quiz.
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